The Art of Decision-Making

Drama Assessment Infographic

Self Assess and Act Responsibly

It’s easy for small issues to be blown out of proportion. Whether it’s a minor inconvenience or a full-blown crisis, knowing how to assess the severity of an issue can help you or your team make better decisions, reduce stress, and focus on what truly matters.


Introducing the Drama Assessment Infographic—a simple, effective way to assess the urgency and importance of any issue using 4 distinct levels of drama response, paired with the Eisenhower Matrix for decision-making. This Infographic will help you determine whether an issue needs immediate attention, can be delegated, or simply doesn’t require action at all.


How Does a Drama Assessment Work?

The Drama Assessment Infographic guides you through four levels of drama response, allowing you to easily self-assess the nature of the issue at hand:

Level 1 – Low Priority:
Can wait, may not require any action. (Eliminate)

Level 2 – Low Urgency:
Heads-up for later, can be delegated or scheduled. (Delegate or Schedule)

Level 3 – Medium Priority:
Important, but not urgent, needs attention after more pressing tasks. (Schedule it)

Level 4 – High Priority:
Urgent and important, needs immediate action. (Do it now)


Each level corresponds with the Eisenhower Matrix, a widely used prioritisation Infographic that helps you categorise tasks by urgency and importance. This combined approach ensures that you and your team make rational, responsible choices about how to act in any situation.

Why Use the Drama Assessment Infographic?
  • Clarity: Gain a clearer understanding of what’s truly important and what can wait.
  • Efficiency: Make faster decisions and reduce time spent on non-critical tasks.
  • Focus: Empower your team to handle situations on their own, escalating only when necessary.
  • Stress Reduction: Avoid the overwhelm of treating every issue as a crisis.



Ready to take control of workplace drama and make more strategic decisions? Download the Drama Assessment Infographic now and start using it with your team! Additionally, download an Instruction Sheet that leaders can use to leverage the Infographic.

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