Resources | Business Culture

Personal Wellbeing: Remote Working Tips From A Life Coach

  • 1 minute read
  • 8 minute video
Lisa Duty
on September 14, 2021
Equipping yourself with the right tools and techniques

Before COVID, working from home had its benefits for your personal wellbeing. You had flexibility on where and when to do your work, while eliminating the dreaded commute. But now that we have no other option, there are drawbacks and challenges, especially if you aren’t equipped with the tools and techniques to look after yourself.

To help equip you with these tools, EPiC’s Lisa Duty interviewed life coach, Danielle Colley, from Your Good Life. Danielle shares her experience and provides practical top tips for the challenges you might be facing into while working at home in this crisis. Have a watch below.

Want to know more?

Want to know more tips and tricks for looking after yourself while working from home during COVID? EPiC Agile Coach Australia has a holistic guide for remote working, filled with advice that we’ve shared with our clients to help them overcome challenges during Covid-19. We’ve called it The Sur-Thrival Guide and it looks at everything from ToolsBusiness Strategy and Lisa shares more advice in the Person Wellbeing element.

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