Services | Leadership Agility

Lyssa Adkins – Coaching, Keynotes

Lyssa Adkins partnering with EPiC

We’re excited to announce that internationally-recognised leadership coach and Agility thought leader, Lyssa Adkins, has partnered with EPiC Agile to offer live coaching sessions and workshops for leaders in Agile environments.

This is an opportunity for leaders in Australia and New Zealand to learn from Lyssa Adkins, a thought leader in the Agile world for over a decade. Lyssa works with leaders to help them embrace their unique role in agile transformation. She shares insights from her extensive experience with agility across various industries, geographies, and company sizes, drawn from her work with thousands of agile coaches.

Lyssa Adkins is a highly trained coach and facilitator, continually enhancing her skills to help her clients excel. Her expertise encompasses individual and organizational change, transformation, adult human development, agile coaching, conflict resolution, and managing complexity.

Join her to build a strong Business Agility Foundation and transform your leadership approach.

Lyssa partnering with EPiC allows her expertise and knowledge to reach and impact more people and organizations within the APAC region. EPiC has coached some of the biggest organizations in Australia, New Zealand and Asia and has trained thousands of people. It is our intent to support and co-create better leaders for the future of business.

Our range of programs, keynotes and live coaching sessions on offer, are between mid-March and early April 2023. They are:

Product Offerings
Keynotes by Lyssa Adkins
Lyssa speaks on a variety of topics with one of her keynotes...
Coaching Days
Lyssa offers her expertise in leadership and agile coaching, working with complexity and more...
Chapter Uplift Programs
Supercharge your organisation's Chapter Leads

Enter your details below to register interest for Lyssa Adkins Leadership Coaching or Programs.

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    *Bespoke programs also available
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    Keynotes by Lyssa Adkins

    An image of Lyssa Adkins at a conference

    Lyssa Adkins is an internationally-recognised thought leader who works with leaders to help them take up the “agile” transformation that is theirs to do. She is a deeply trained coach and facilitator and is constantly improving her skills so that her clients can soar.

    With deep lived experience, Lyssa speaks on a variety of topics with one of her keynotes. If desired, keynotes can be followed by live coaching on your most important topics.


    Keynote: The Leaders’ “Agile” Transformation

    What does it mean to be a leader who creates the conditions for agile to deliver on its lofty promises? What shifts must leaders make both individually and collectively?

    These are the questions Lyssa explores as she takes us to some unexpected territory where we investigate what it would mean for leaders to upgrade their mental complexity, downshift their nervous systems and expand into the collective intelligence of their own teams.


    Keynote: The Next Wise Step

    Let’s face it, the days of simple situations and clear answers are in the past. In our everyday, complex world with fast-evolving customer needs and an ever-accelerating pace of change, knowing the “right” or “best” thing to do seems impossible. In this keynote Lyssa takes us on an exploration of a more complete way to see the complex situations we face every day. Having seen the situation more holistically, new possibilities arise and many options become apparent. From these options, you can choose the “next wise step” to positively affect the situation.


    What are the benefits?

    • Lyssa shares her insights from being a leader in the Agile world for more than a decade.
    • Lyssa gives you insights through the themes she has seen in agility across industries, geographies, and company sizes from her work with thousands of leaders, coaches and organisations.
    • Lyssa offers her expertise in individual and organisational transformation, leadership agility development, business agility and creating an organisational agile coaching capability.


    This is a rare opportunity for Australian leaders to hear from a global expert in leadership performance. Through feedback, new thinking tools and increasing a leader’s ability to handle complexity, Lyssa will give you the edge you need to lead in uncertain times.

    Register your interest here for keynotes with Lyssa Adkins today! 


    Coaching Day, with Lyssa Adkins

    An image of Lyssa Adkins

    Lyssa Adkins is best known as a coach of coaches. For over a decade, Lyssa has been a passionate player in the emergence of agile coaching as a profession. She authored Coaching Agile Teams which is considered the go-to resource for agile coaching.

    In this extended format, following her keynote, Lyssa Adkins will address your most pressing topics. In real-time, Lyssa will facilitate the group to quickly decide on the highest business value topics to tackle. We’ll create a backlog and cover as many as possible.

    For each topic, Lyssa will conduct a live agile coaching session with the individual currently facing that dilemma. This person will gain insight and actionable steps, while everyone walks away with ideas they can apply. Alternatively, Lyssa might teach a relevant concept and then facilitate the group in applying that concept to the topic. This real-time approach ensures direct applicability to the top issues you want to address, building a strong Business Agility Foundation for your organization.


    What are the benefits?

    • People get a powerful new tool for working with complexity so that the interventions they choose are more on-target and have a better chance of making an impact.
    • People get coached and mentored by a highly skilled professional coach and one of the thought leaders in the agile world.
    • Lyssa will offer her expertise in agile coaching, working with complexity, transformation, conflict, team dynamics and human development.
    • People leave the conversations with tangible actions. You will come up with some new and exciting ideas that you are excited to take!
    • Everyone experiences support and insight from others who are addressing similar challenges.
    • The learning also happens at the “meta” level: After each coaching topic, we debrief what everyone witnessed. We discuss the skills Lyssa used in the session and “pull back the curtain” on the components of agile coaching (coaching, facilitating, teaching, mentoring) she demonstrated.


    If you are an Agilist in Australia, there is no better time to meet Lyssa Adkins and walk away with direct action you can take on your biggest challenges.

    Register your interest here for a Coaching Day with Lyssa Adkins


    Chapter Uplift Programs


    • The Chapter Uplift Program creates more capable chapter leads who, in turn, create the conditions for people to be at their best and who want to continue developing themselves within the organisation.

    Learning Objective

    • Chapter leads understand the role they play and the areas they individually and collectively need to grow in their chapter leadership journey.
    • To mature Chapter Leads’ capabilities and expand their leadership capability at the chapter and subchapter level.
    • To create more well-rounded chapter leadership to enable a thriving community that fulfills people’s needs for connection and mastery.
    • Enabling an organisation where chapter members feel safe and connected, are able to openly discuss their development opportunities and feel developed 


    Session Content

    • Session 1: Intention Setting, Designed Alliance & Content Review
      • Each person sets a clear intention for what they want to achieve from the program.
      • Design the alliance to support people’s intentions, and the purpose of the program as a whole.
      • Content check: Review the content planned and solicit people’s content needs. Pull those content needs through as a “thread” in the planned topics or switch out topics for ones with higher business value.
    • Session 2 & 3: Developing People’s Inner Capacity
        • The arc of adult development and the implications for working in a complexity era
        • What does it mean to be deliberately developmental?
        • Giving impact feedback and creating development plans
        • Working with resistance, conflict, stuck-ness
        • Intention check: Are you getting what you intended from this program? What is already gained? What is there still to get? What needs to shift in the program & in you so you fully realise your intention?
    • Session 4: Creating Thriving Communities 
        • Designing communities that practice together
        • Fully engage people in the community through various activities and group sizes
        • Designing communities that advance the state of the art together
    • Session 5 & 6: Developing People’s Skills
      • Assessing blindspots and skills gaps
      • Having successful performance conversations
      • How & when to part ways


    Anatomy of the sessions

    Each 2-hour session creates an action learning cycle as so:

    • Accountability check: what are you learning from your fieldwork? (fieldwork is specific, do-able and chosen by each person in the prior session)
    • Live mentoring about the content they have been working with to tie up loose ends (learning is at two levels: the content of the mentoring convo itself & what Lyssa is doing/how Lyssa is being that grows the mentee)
    • New content: “lecturette” and live experience with the main concepts
    • Applying the concepts to their real world
    • Accountability in the form of fieldwork designed by each person, specific to their real-world needs: “I will <do something / be some new way> so that <something amazing happens>”

    Register your interest here to uplift your chapters and create the conditions for your people to be at their best!

    The 5 CCs to drive you through turbulent times
    "If any team, but especially executive teams, are going to function in turbulent times they need to expand their 5 Core Competencies: Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Conflict and Change."
    Co-create a program

    If you want to learn from Lyssa Adkins but don’t see a program that works for you here, we offer the opportunity to co-create bespoke programs. Please reach out to us here: Contact Us

    Alternatively, If you’d like to know more about Lyssa Adkins and our offerings in partnership with her, please don’t hesitate to chat with us.

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