Crafting a Collaborative Future

The Power of Strategic Offsites

Why Strategic Offsites Matter

Strategic offsites are more than just a meeting—they’re an opportunity to shape your company’s future by bringing together the minds of your top leaders.


When companies talk about planning for the future, leadership teams often gather for a strategic review session or what some call an ExCo (Executive Offsite) meeting. These offsites offer a unique opportunity to realign on the business’s North Star and allow leaders to contribute to future strategies collectively. But what makes these gatherings genuinely effective? The answer lies in the facilitation and structure of these meetings, ensuring everyone is on board with where the company is headed.


The key to a successful strategy offsite is involvement. Instead of having only the CEO or board of directors dictate the direction, at EPiC Agile, we facilitate these sessions with organisation leaders. By including leaders from various departments, the strategy becomes a shared vision, not just a directive from the top.


Collective Ownership Strategy

At the heart of any strategy session is a set of clear objectives and metrics. The leadership team can fine-tune future objectives by reviewing these metrics and discussing how the company has progressed toward these goals. Success ambitions don’t just define success but by measurable, SMART goals that guide decision-making.


One of the reasons companies choose to bring in an external facilitator, like EPiC, is to ensure neutrality. When the CEO or COO runs the offsite, leaders may hesitate to challenge ideas, resulting in less innovative thinking. By contrast, a neutral facilitator can challenge the group’s thinking without bias, pushing for deeper conversations and ensuring the strategy is robust and well-considered.


This process helps eliminate passive “yes-boss” behaviour and fosters a sense of psychological ownership among leaders. When everyone feels they’ve contributed to shaping the company’s future, they’re more likely to execute with conviction and alignment.


A Strategy for the Future

The primary outcome of the offsite is not just a list of tasks but a cohesive strategy that will guide the company for years to come. The team will aim to submit a detailed strategic plan outlining their goals and objectives for the future. This plan reflects the collaborative input, ensuring buy-in from across the organisation.


Another critical element of the offsite is fostering stronger relationships within the leadership team. Especially with new team members, it’s essential to break down silos and ensure that everyone gets to know one another personally. This is more than just strategy—it’s about building a unified team working together effectively toward the company’s long-term goals, having dedicated time to team-building activities like “personal user manuals” where leaders share how they prefer to work, helping colleagues understand each other’s communication and work styles. This builds trust and cooperation, which is essential for a cohesive leadership team.



At EPiC, we specialise in neutral facilitation that fosters collaboration, drives innovative thinking, and builds leadership ownership. If your organisation is ready to create a unified strategy that everyone believes in, contact us today to learn how we can help facilitate your next strategy session.

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