
Digital strategy and the road to transformation

A photo of a conference
Kick-starting digital strategy

The Challenge

Faced with a business strategy to deliver services digitally, enter new market segments and aggressively campaign in re-opening markets, one of Australia’s preeminent tourism bodies realised their existing platforms were unsuitable and were challenged by conflicting priorities.

Our Solution

Identify opportunities – EPiC ran a workshop series to define transformation objectives and identify opportunities for new market segments. Customer-centricity and design thinking techniques defined value propositions for new product features and candidates for validation with customer research. MVP features were identified for a new self-service portal and digital customer experience.

Prioritisation – Meeting the business’ critical and immediate needs was also a focus. EPiC facilitated an experiment with new ways of working with vendors based on truly cross-functional teams made up of empowered product owners and the vendor development team. A single backlog facilitated prioritisation of remediation and strategic enhancements to immediately deliver value and ensure capacity was utilised with maximum effect.

Enabling transformation – Following a review of technical platforms and future capabilities to enable transformation goals, we facilitated a competitive tender to select a digital partner to build new digital infrastructure capable of supporting the client’s strategic needs.  

EPiC continued to work with the client to guide implementation of the MVP scope, while ensuring a roadmap is in place to deliver:

    • Valuable features and self-service customer experiences
    • Content and validation for new customer segments in advance of MVP development


  • Clarity on transformation goals and product roadmap for new markets
  • Demonstrably massive uplift in value delivered and speed to market through empowerment and cross-functional collaboration – bought time for a new platform to be built
  • Agile ways of working extended to include vendors and commercial relationships
  • Re-platforming well-advanced, and a digital roadmap in place for the remainder of 2023


Opportunities, Solutions Identified Quickly
Inceptions and value proposition workshops helped to identify market segments, personas and opportunities. Design thinking frameworks helped to quickly identify solutions, assess options and create a backlog of work.
Customer-centric Solutions
Tested strategic ideas by validating them with customers and by implementing an MVP self-serve product to create learning opportunities.
Anchored the Initiative Efficiently
Introduced lean product development techniques to anchor the initiative, creating and validating testable hypotheses, learning and minimising development expenditure.
Delivery Acceleration

After defining the digital strategy for one of Australia’s pre-eminent tourism bodies, EPiC was engaged to accelerate delivery on the digital roadmap put in place. Read more below…

Delivery Acceleration for a Tourism Organisation

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    Case Study | Delivery
    Delivery Acceleration for a Tourism Organisation
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