Services | Transform


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Our Shift™ Transformation Service is designed to help you meet and exceed your business transformation goals.

Welcome to EPiC, where our purpose is to help our clients “to create amazing workplaces that people love!”.

Our Approach

Utilising Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to guide, monitor, and deliver tangible results, we provide a leader-led, human-centric, and co-designed implementation strategy that leverages data to build and refine your transformation roadmap on a quarterly incremental basis.

Transformation Frameworks

EPiC’s Shift has been instrumental in implementing our Spotify-inspired Crew Model, the ATi Enterprise Business Agility Model, EPiC’s innovative 5 Ways model, as well as SAFe Frameworks and Agile-based transformations. Our business transformation consulting services use Shift to tailor these models to your organization’s unique needs, ensuring the transformation is fit-for-purpose and has the highest chance of successful adoption and sustainability.


As a full-stack transformation provider, EPiC is capable of leading and supporting your transformation by leveraging our proven expertise, such as:

    • Transformation Leadership: Our seasoned Transformation Leads will navigate your transformation journey, anchoring around your “why”, articulating the transformation vision, setting strategic objectives, and overseeing the transformation process through to completion.


    • Change & Communications: We formulate strategies to engage employees, foster ownership, and mitigate resistance to change, ensuring a seamless transformation journey.


    • Organizational Design: Our experts aid in reshaping your organization around your unique Value Proposition. They assist in establishing a new target operating model that puts this proposition into action, and provide blueprints to help your team find roles that leverage, enhance, and fulfil their potential in the revamped organization.


    • Delivery Coaches: Our coaches guide your business and project teams in adopting new working practices, instilling business agility principles, values, and frameworks to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement.


    • Leadership Agility Experts: Transformation initiates at the top. We guide and coach your executive and senior leaders to play a specific and targeted role in supporting the transformation. We ensure they are well-prepared to understand and adopt the new responsibilities and behaviours necessary to meet your transformation objectives.


    • Training Delivery and Courseware: We provide a variety of training programmes to boost your team’s skills, covering a spectrum from basic agile concepts to advanced transformation strategies.


    • Delivery Experts: Our experts design, implement, and optimise your delivery methods, frameworks and practices to propel your transformation forward.


    • Lean Organisation Experts: We assist in streamlining organisational structures and processes, eradicating waste, and enhancing efficiency.


We’ve got skin in the game!

When you choose EPiC, you gain a dedicated transformation partner with proven experience and the scars to prove it. We don’t just talk about transformation; we are in the trenches with you, carrying out the process. Our business transformation consulting services ensure you have everything needed to help your organization shift, evolve, and excel in the modern business landscape. We know what it takes and have evolved our products and services to support your success every step of the way.

Rob Gaunt, Global Director - EPiC Agile
"Shift is designed to be flexible, to better meet your unique business needs. It ensures we deliver a change you can be proud of, shaped by your team, and one that continues to flourish long after we've left the building!"

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